
Commonly referred to as MHAP, this statewide program provides owners of manufactured homes in Delaware with assistance in preventing eviction or repossession of their primary residence due to a loss of 15% or more of their income from one of the following hardships:

  1. Involuntary loss of employment or reduction in hours; or
  2. Inability to work or reduction in hours able to work due to an injury or illness of themselves or for an immediate family member for whom they are the primary caregiver.

How To Apply

  1. Please view the MHAP Brochure
    • En Español
  2. Contact one of the Housing Counseling Agencies listed below to schedule an appointment.

Borrower Qualifications

  1. Maximum household income for eligibility are as follows:
    • County: New Castle
    • Maximum Household Income: $93,265
    • County: Kent & Sussex
    • Maximum Household Income: $85,560
    • Income limits as of 1/2013 and are subject to change annually
  2. Be 90 days or more delinquent on the home loan and or lot rent of their primary residence at the time of the application.
  3. Prior to hardship, Debt to Income ratios will also be considered in determining eligibility.

Property Qualifications

  • Eligible properties include manufactured homes titled with the State of Delaware's Division of Motor Vehicles on owned or rented land.
  • Property must be located in Delaware.
  • Commercial, second homes, rental, or any other forms of business property are not eligible.

Loan Terms

  • No interest will be charged for this loan.
  • The maximum loan amount is $10,000.
  • Terms: The program will pay the delinquent loan and/or lot rent amount and a portion of the ongoing monthly payments not to exceed 12 months or $10,000 (whichever is less) for qualified applicants.
  • Will be recurred by a lien recorded on the property.
  • Borrowers are required to contribute a portion of their monthly housing payment each month based on a percentage of their gross monthly income.
  • Required payment contributions are due to DSHA on the twentieth of each month. Failure to make payments to DSHA on time will result in termination of further monthly payment assistance.
  • The repayment of this loan is deferred until the subject property is refinanced, sold or title is transferred, or the borrower(s) no longer resides in the property.
  • Borrower is required to immediately advise DSHA of any changes in their employment or income during the benefit period. Changes in income may result in a change to the borrower's required monthly payment contribution amount. Borrowers who fail to notify DSHA of such changes will be considered in default and will not be eligible for any further payment assistance.
  • Borrower must reside in the property during the benefit period. Borrowers who abandon the property without notifying DSHA will be in default and will not be eligible for any further payment assistance.

MHAP Counseling Agencies

If you believe that you meet the requirements for this program, contact the Housing Counseling Agency of your choice.

Delaware Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program - Participating Counseling Agencies

HUD Approved Counseling Agencies:

Guidewell Financial Solutions

New Castle: 866.731.8486

Kent: 866.731.8486

Sussex: 866.731.8486


New Castle: 800.989.2227

Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council

New Castle: 302.298.3253

First State Community Action Agency

New Castle: 302.498.0454

Kent: 302.674.1355

Sussex: 302.856.7761

Hockessin Community Center

New Castle: 302.239.2363

Housing Opportunities of Northern Delaware, Inc.

New Castle:302.429.0794

Interfaith Community Housing

New Castle: 302.652.3991

Sussex: 302.741.0142

NCALL Research

New Castle: 302.283.7505

Kent: 302.678.9400

Sussex: 302.855.1370

Neighborhood House, Inc.

New Castle: 302.658.5404

Sussex: 302.378.7217

YWCA Centers for Homeownership Education

New Castle: 302.224.4060

Contact FSMHA

Do you have questions about this program? Please contact FSMHA at 302-674-5868 or via email at